Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Top 10 travel safety tips for women

Travelers and female travelers in particular always need to be mindful of safety. Hence, a recent post containing safety tips for female travelers by woman road warrior Carol Margolis on SmartWomenTravelers.com is well worth reading. Her top 10 tips (which she goes into much more detail about in her post) include:

1. Always have your rental car key in your hands before heading out to your car.

2. As you are walking to your car, act as if you are talking with someone on your cell phone, even if you are not. 

3. When nearing your hotel late at night, phone ahead and ask for an escort to meet you at the main door.

4. Place maps, car rental agreements, GPS systems and anything else that marks you as a tourist into the car’s glove compartment or your bag so it is not visible.

5. Keep key information in your cell phone.

6. Request room locations that are more secure.

7. Upon entering your room, do not use the double bolt until you have checked that there are no unwanted visitors in your room.

8. Upon entering a hotel elevator, stand near the controls so that you have access to the Emergency button, if needed.

9. Have identification on you at all times.

10. For international travel, dress like a local.

In addition, Carol’s post has also included a helpful list of items for women to keep in their purses or laptop bag that could also save your life when traveling. Hence, her post is well worth reading by any woman who travels on a regular basis.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Women has to be very careful while traveling.These traveling tips are very useful.It makes our trip easy and also convenient.

January 13, 2010 at 4:20 PM  

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